Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets Attention farm and forest owners in Washington, Chittenden, Essex and Caledonia counties! USDA emergency programs can help restore farmland or non-industrial forest that suffered damage during this past July's flooding and severe storms.
The USDA Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) and Emergency Forest Restoration Assistance (EFRP) have both opened for Washington, Chittenden, Essex and Caledonia counties.
For Caledonia and Essex counties - contact your local FSA County Office and request assistance before December 20th.
For Washington and Chittenden counties - contact your local FSA County Office and request assistance before December 23rd.
These programs can provide additional assistance on top of financial support available to businesses through the BEGAP program.
Working Lands Business Enhancement Grant Reminder
The Working Lands Enterprise Initiative Business Enhancement Grant application is currently open to Vermont farms and forest product businesses. Food and distribution businesses may be eligible if they meet certain requirements for local sourcing of raw ingredients or product.
Applicants can apply for $10,000 to $50,000 grants. This year, there is no match requirement. Learn more and ask questions at weekly virtual drop-in Q&A sessions.
Apply by December 12th
Funding for Businesses Impacted by July Flooding and Storms
Don't miss your chance to receive financial support for damage caused by this summer's flooding events.
The Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program (BEGAP) provides funding to businesses, nonprofits, landlords, and farms that suffered physical damage from the flooding and severe storms.
If you have questions, please email [email protected] or call the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets at 802-828-2430 and press 0.
Apply by November 15th
Help Inform Vermont's Clean Water Budget
Vermont’s Clean Water Board is seeking public input on the State Fiscal Year 2026 Clean Water Budget by November 17th.
Vermonters can weigh in on how they would like to prioritize approximately $44.5 million to fund projects to protect and improve the quality of water in our rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetlands.
Visit the Clean Water Board webpage to learn more about Vermont’s clean water funding and to share your feedback on the draft budget.
Learn More
Act 181 Changes for Accessory On-Farm Businesses
This past summer the legislature enacted Act 181 which includes changes to Act 143 governing Accessory On-Farm Businesses (AOFBs).
Act 181 expanded AOFBs’ ability to sell qualifying products that are not produced on the farm where the AOFB is located, added new types of eligible products, and created related Act 250 exemptions.
This week on the blog we discuss those changes and how they can help farmers improve their bottom line.
Read the Blog
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
11/7 - Service Provider & Producer Association Grant deadline
11/14 - Farm to School & Early Childhood Capacity Building Grant deadline
11/15 - Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program (BEGAP) deadline
12/5 - On-Farm Milk Storage & Handling Grant deadline
12/12 - Business Enhancement Grant deadline
12/15 - Fairs & Field Days Capital Grants and Operational Stipends deadline
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Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
116 State St. Montpelier, VT 05620
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