DVHA encourages providers to determine their need for advance payments

Vermont Business Magazine The Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) is encouraging providers to review their financial needs in regard to the ongoing Change Healthcare system outage. DVHA is committed to offering weekly advance payments to providers for anticipated costs that would otherwise be billed through the Change Healthcare system. While this outage continues, DVHA wants to ensure that all providers are investigating whether they are affected by the Change Healthcare outage, and reaching out to their provider representatives for assistance as needed. Instructions for affected providers who are interested in requesting weekly advances can be found on DVHA’s website (Pharmacy | Department of Vermont Health Access).

Change Healthcare has confirmed that this issue is impacting pharmacies and providers across Vermont, New England, and the country. Change Healthcare’s pharmacy claims processing systems remain down, and the Department believes that complete restoration may take several weeks.

DVHA is recommending that all Medicaid enrolled providers review the list of Change Healthcare products and applications that were impacted by the February 21 cyberattack. Optum Solutions, the parent company of Change Healthcare, has provided a list of impacted systems at the following link: Optum Solutions Status. The Department is suggesting providers and their IT teams should review this list, and determine if they are experiencing any previously unknown claims submission or payment issues with Change Healthcare affiliated products. 

In order to ensure continued access to medications for members, the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) is remitting weekly payments to pharmacies and is continuing to issue operational guidance while the Change Healthcare system remains down. DVHA is committed to supporting providers and pharmacies with the resources and instructions they need to remain operating for Medicaid members during this outage.

The Department remains committed to transparency and open communication with providers, pharmacies, members, and the public. We will provide additional updates as more information becomes available from Change Healthcare and Federal authorities. We continue to ask for patience and flexibility from providers, pharmacies, and members as we work diligently with our partners to resolve this issue. 

Members can contact the CHC or OptumRx Help Desks with any issues:

Change Healthcare Pharmacy Help Desk: 1-844-679-5362

Optum Pharmacy Help Desk: 1-800-880-1188

Source: 3.15.2024. Waterbury, VT – The Department of Vermont Health Access
