Grace Cottage earns 4-star rating and named on National Rural Honor Roll

Grace Cottage earns 4-star rating and named on National Rural Honor Roll

Vermont Business Magazine Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital has been awarded a prestigious 4-star rating by the National Rural Rating System (NRRS), a program through the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) that recognizes excellence in rural healthcare and includes listing on the 2025 National Rural Honor Roll. 18 hospitals in the United States were awarded a 4-star rating; Grace Cottage was the only hospital in the Northeast to receive this 4-star distinction.

The National Rural Honor Roll was created to honor rural hospitals and clinics that consistently deliver exceptional patient-centered care. Rural hospitals on the National Rural Honor Roll have met the highest standards for patient experience, based on cumulative ratings in patient surveys during 2024. 

This recognition highlights Grace Cottage’s success in providing outstanding medical service. 

“We are so proud and pleased to have won this award,” said Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital’s CEO, Olivia Sweetnam. “It is an important affirmation of our employees’ dedication to delivering high-quality care, exceptional patient experiences, and our ongoing commitment to meeting the healthcare needs of the community that we have served for 75 years.”

“These awards shine a spotlight on the heart and hard work that our rural hospitals bring to their communities,” said Brock Slabach, Chief Operating Officer of the NRHA. “Rural healthcare comes with unique challenges, and reaching this level of excellence shows not only the clinical expertise, but also the deep commitment these hospitals have to the people they serve. This recognition celebrates rural healthcare as a source of strength, compassion, and healing – right where it’s needed most.”

For more information about Grace Cottage Hospital, visit

Source: 12.6.2024. TOWNSHEND - Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital

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