Vermont Business Magazine Today the Vermont Senate passed S.310, a bill to support the State’s resilience and response to natural disasters.
“While we all rely on friends, neighbors, and community organizations during times of emergency, it is the government that has the resources and reach to have the greatest impact,” said Senator Ruth Hardy, Chair of the Senate Committee on Government Operations which sponsored the bill. “That’s why we took a deep dive into the government’s response to the floods at the state and local level…so that next time our state is hit with a catastrophic weather event, our government can do better for Vermonters. It is the government’s job to mitigate emergencies and keep the public safe when they do occur. This bill will help Vermont do just that.”
S.310 creates the Community Resilience and Disaster Mitigation Fund to assist municipalities with infrastructure projects, creates stronger coordination of first responders, includes public works employees in planning and benefits, requires more comprehensive local & regional emergency planning, updates and clarifies stormwater utility statutes, improves emergency communications translation & interpretation services, supports the state swift water rescue operations, and provides additional support to all communities that were flooded last year.
“In the wake of the 2023 floods, Vermonters experienced first-hand the gaps in State and Federal flood recovery efforts," said Senate President Pro Tem Phil Baruth. "Our first priority this session has been to reduce or eliminate those gaps. Five of our committees have devoted hundreds of hours to the effort since January, and I'm very proud of their work – five targeted bills addressing flood damage and flood mitigation needs in the short, medium, and long term. We're confident that our colleagues in the House will work to expand and forward this agenda. Vermonters expect no less of us.”
You can learn more about S.310 on the legislative website.
Source: 4.2.2024. Office of the President Pro Tempore