Vermont Forest Future Strategic Roadmap initiative set to launch

Vermont Business Magazine The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR) is set to launch an initiative to develop a Forest Future Strategic Roadmap to identify actionable strategies to strengthen, modernize, promote, and protect Vermont’s forest products sector and the broader forest economy. The initiative was authorized by the Vermont Legislature and signed into law by Governor Scott in Act 183 of 2022.

Vermont’s private and public forestlands provide a wide range of unique and irreplaceable resources and benefits, including protection of wildlife habitat, conservation of air, soil and water, mitigation of the effects of climate change, as well as providing necessary forest products and the natural infrastructure of Vermont’s economy. They also support a forest products sector which provides nearly 14,000 jobs and generates $2.1 billion in annual sales.

The Forest Future Strategic Roadmap will address the crucial challenges the forest economy faces and identify opportunities to help Vermont chart a path forward to protect the long-term viability of forest-based businesses and the many benefits and values they provide to us all.

Act 183 calls on the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation’s Commissioner, Michael Snyder, to lead the effort, including appointing an Advisory Panel. The Act stipulates that the Advisory Panel shall consist of representatives from forest products enterprises, State agencies, investors, forestland owners, foresters, loggers, truckers, wood products manufacturers, recreational specialists, education representatives, trade organizations, and other partners as deemed appropriate.

Commissioner Snyder shared his excitement about the initiative, stating, “Vermont’s forests are our unique competitive advantage; we cannot outsource the benefits and values they produce. We are utterly dependent on our forests. I hope this Roadmap will stimulate a collaborative approach to modernizing and growing the forest economy in Vermont to benefit our environment, our economy, and all Vermonters for the long term.”

To assist in developing the Vermont Forest Future Strategic Roadmap, the Department is asking interested Vermonters who have a connection to Vermont’s forest economy to apply to serve on the Advisory Panel by August 5. The roughly 18-month project will kick off later this summer and will provide final recommendations to the General Assembly by January 1, 2024. Learn more about the initiative at

7.21.2022. MONTPELIER, VT - Vermont Agency of Natural Resources