Burlington begins Waterfront investment plan discussion tonight

Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO) Director Peter Owens today announced the meeting schedule of the Waterfront Public Investment Action Plan (PIAP) Public Investment Team and encouraged community input into the 50 public improvement project concepts that have been submitted in response to the PIAP request for concepts. Opportunities for citizen feedback continue tomorrow night with the first of three public meetings and immediately through the use of online tools found on the newly-launched PIAP website.
‘One of the wonderful elements about our community is Burlingtonians’willingness to participate in the public process,’said Owens. ‘We benefit from a passionate citizenry full of meaningful and helpful ideas about how to make a more vibrant City.’
The 50 concept proposals have been divided into three categories:
· Special projects ‘projects that are smaller in size and cost that contribute to the unique character and quality of life in Burlington and that may have an indirect effect on economic development.
· Moran projects ‘projects that have a direct impact on economic development and include the Moran plant itself or the land surrounding Moran.
· Other projects ‘projects that have a direct impact on economic development and are larger in scale and cost, but are not located at the Moran plant.
Tuesday evening, the Public Investment Team, a committee tasked with evaluating and scoring the concept proposals for Burlington’s Waterfront tax increment financing (TIF) District, will meet. The details for Tuesday’s and the following two meetings are:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 5:00-7:00pm, at Burlington City Arts, 2nd Floor ‘ Special Projects
Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 5:00-7:00pm, at Burlington City Arts, 2nd Floor ‘Other Projects
Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 5:00-7:00pm, location to be determined ‘Moran Projects

In addition to the public meetings, other opportunities for public input have included two open houses last week at the Fletcher Free Library, where more than 200 people visited to learn about and comment on the proposals, and the public website that includes copies of all project concepts.
Concept proposals will be judged on their ability to utilize TIF dollars, as well as five key criteria:
· Does the concept further elements of already existing plans?
· Does the concept create a vibrant, exciting, and healthy environment for all Burlingtonians and visitors?
· Does the concept improve access to the Waterfront?
· Does the concept generate economic activity and leverage other funding sources?
· Is the concept able to be bonded for during the current TIF timeframe (December 2014) and is the concept an eligible use of TIF dollars?
Extra consideration will be given for projects that include the creation of housing opportunities.
CEDO Assistant Director for Economic Development Nathan Wildfire is pleased at the number of concept proposals received, stating: ‘Burlington is fortunate to have received so many great and inspiring proposals. Learning which projects will advance to the next round and then following their progress as their creators strengthen their proposals take us one step closer to a fully revitalized Burlington Waterfront.’
A similar process for downtown investments will follow the waterfront effort.