Last week we got a call from Christine Brozyna at ABC’s World News asking how our Made in America Holiday Shopping Challenge is going,’ said Peggy Farabaugh, co-owner at Vernon-based Vermont Woods Studios furniture store. Christine explained that we have been selected to appear on Diane Sawyer’s Made in America series on November 30.
ABC sent a camera crew to our showroom in Vernon last Tuesday to do a nightly news story on how the community is ‘buying American’ and ‘buying local’ this holiday season.
‘We invited all Vernon residents to participate in the filming. ABC’s producers and camera crew filmed at all the familiar hang-outs in town: the School House General Store, the Town Hall, the Portside Tavern, the Firehouse, the elementary school and of course at the local furniture maker’s workshop, Woodruff Custom Furniture. A couple large crowd scenes were filmed along with several interviews of local residents.
‘It was an opportunity to have a national news program show our town’s support for buying American-made and locally-made gifts this Christmas season. We’re asking everyone to help create American jobs this way and to get counted in that effort by joining our Made in America Holiday Gift Buying Challenge on Facebook.
‘Using ABC’s statistics, we calculated that if everyone in the USA 'bought American' during the holidays, it could add almost 5 million jobs to our national economy. We’re trying to help people see how big a difference they can make with their wallets.’
The segment is scheduled to air on ABC World News on Wednesday, November 30 at 6:30pm.
Source: AP, 12-1-2011
Vermont Furniture Company to be featured on ABC World News
Submitted by intern